Vaginal warts are one of the clinical manifestations of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Approximately 90 percent of anogenital warts are associated with HPV types 6and/or11, which are of low oncogenic potential. Additional HPV types, including high oncogenic risk types, may be identified, but usually as co-infections with HPV 6 or 11.

How do genital warts look like?

Anogenital warts may have several different appearances. There may be one or more. Κονδυλώματα Κόλπου
Sometimes individual warts join together to form one large warty area.

They may look like small, skin-coloured lumps on the skin, similar to the common warts. However, they may be red or pink, grey or white. Warts that develop on skin that is warm, moist and non-hairy, such as the vulva, tend to be soft. Warts that develop on skin that is dry and hairy, such as the perianal area, tend to be firm.

The number of warts that develop varies from person to person. Some people have just a few that are barely noticeable, while others have many around their genitals and anus.


Warts can usually be diagnosed by the doctor by their typical appearance. The doctor examines your external genitalia to look for warts. The doctor may also suggest that they do an internal examination of your vagina. Among the exams that can be performed are Pap Test and HPV DNA testing by PCR.

Treatments for Vaginal Warts

  • CO2 LASER.
  • Sublimation using RF Diathermocoagulation.
  • Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is sprayed or applied to the warts and it freezes them. Freezing and defrosting destroys the wart tissue. To remove the warts completely several treatments sessions may be required. This treatment method is often a good choice for pregnant women.
  • Surgical removal.
  • Treatment with chemical substances.


Vaginal warts can usually be cleared with treatment. However, in about 1 in 4 cases, new warts develop at some time after successful treatment. This is usually because the same infection has re-activated, not because you have a newly acquired infection. If warts do come back, they can be treated in the same way.

See the other categories on warts and call us on 216 900 5000 to evaluate your condition or answer any questions you may have:

Warts in Women

Vulvar Warts

Oral Warts

Warts and Cancer

Anal Warts

Warts in Men

Penile Warts

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