Vulvar warts are lumps or bumps that appear on the vulva. They may be raised or flat, individual or many, small or large. Some create a group of bumps that is shaped like a cauliflower.

Who may be infected by HPV or vulvar / genital warts?

Evidence demonstrates that the majority of sexually active persons become infected with HPV Κονδυλώματα Αιδοίου at least once in their lifetime. Most HPV infections go away on their own. Genital warts are most common undesirable effects of HPV infection, as well as Pap Test abnormalities.

Genital Warts Diagnosis

Diagnosis is usually based on the findings from the patient’s history and the appearance of genital warts.

  • Sometimes the lesions are only visible after applying the acetic acid test, after which the lesions turn white. This technique involves applying a 5% acetic acid solution to the suspect area for about 5-10 minutes. The infected areas will turn white.
  • Colposcopy, is performed using a colposcope, which provides a magnified view of the lesions. In women, colposcopy may be used to identify lesions in the vaginal canal and cervix.
  • Papanikolaou (Pap) Test should be performed regularly to identify HPV infection signs, as well as abnormal cells in the cervix.
  • Biopsy may be performed if the lesion looks abnormal or if it reappears after treatment.
  • Special laboratory tests may be also performed to confirm the presence of HPV infection.


  • Laser CO
  • Sublimation using RF Diathermocoagulation.
  • Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.
  • Surgical removal.
  • Chemical substances, such as podophyllotoxin, imiquimod, interferon, etc.

Goal of Genital Warts Treatment

The primary goal of treatment is the elimination of warts causing physical or psychological symptoms, such as:

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Itching
  • Embarrassment
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