Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection Policy
1. Using the Website and Services
1.1 DERMadvance provides on its website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) certain information and services (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”). Any offer and use of the Website and these Services by the visitor/user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection Policy
1.2 DERMadvance follows a special procedure in order to safeguard the protection of the personal data that the user knowingly and voluntarily submits through the Website and knowingly and voluntarily discloses to DERMadvance (hereinafter the “Personal Data”) and sets the following Terms and Conditions of data protection policy. DERMadvance has taken all necessary measures for technical security and organisation of Users’ personal data processing, and declares that it retains the Users’ personal data for a reasonable time period.
2. Processing and Legal Framework
2.1 Personal data processing shall mean any action related to the collection, submission, organisation, preservation or storage, alteration, export, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, interconnection, blocking (locking), erasure or destruction of personal data (hereinafter these actions are referred to as a whole as “processing” for brevity).
2.2 For the processing of the User’s Personal Data submitted through the Website and disclosed to DERMadvance, DERMadvance acts as the Processing Controller and the processing takes place according to the relevant Greek legislation, in particular according to the provisions of Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force. DERMadvance declares that it fully complies with the provisions of Law 2472/1997 and that it has proceeded with the necessary notifications before the Personal Data Protection Authority.
2.3 All Terms and Conditions of the present personal data protection policy are governed by the provisions of Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force.
3. User Consent
3.1 The User of the Website and Services has to carefully read the Terms and Conditions of the Personal Data Protection Policy before visiting our Website or using the Services, and in case of disagreement, she or he must refrain from any use.
3.2 Any use of the Website and the Services by the User implies his explicit and unreserved acceptance of the Terms and Conditions relating to the Personal Data Protection Policy and that she or he consents to Personal Data Processing.
3.3 By accepting the Terms and Conditions of the Personal Data Protection Policy and by voluntarily providing the necessary Personal Data, the User provides his consent, explicitly agrees and unreservedly accepts the processing of personal data which takes place according to the present agreement.
3.4 The User provides his consent, explicitly agrees and unreservedly accepts the following indicatively mentioned processing acts that DERMadvance will perform in the context of the provision of its Services to the User, as well as any other processing act that DERMadvance may perform in order to provide the Services to the User:
3.4.1 To contact the User via e-mail and telephone to provide information about new services, invasive or non-invasive treatments.
4. Purpose of Processing
4.1 Any processing of the Personal Data takes place for legitimate purposes, which are related to the provision of Services selected by the User, as described in the Website.
4.2 The User explicitly declares and accepts that the Personal Data that she or he submits and discloses to DERMadvance and which are collected and processed by the latter, are relevant, appropriate and not more than those required for the aforementioned purposes of the processing.
5. Right to information, access and objection
5.1 The User has the rights provided in the provisions of articles 11, 12 and 13 of Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force.
5.2 More specifically, the User reserves the right to get informed about the processing, have access to the Personal Data related to him/her and which have already been processed or will be processed in the future, as well as to submit any objection with regard to personal data processing, according to articles 11, 12 and 13 of Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force. As far as the objections are concerned, the User is entitled to request the correction, temporary non-usage, blockage, non-transmission or even the deletion of his/her personal data.
5.3 The exercise of the rights that the User has pursuant to the aforementioned provisions requires that she or he contacts DERMadvance, as provided in term 8 of the present agreement as well as the notification of DERMadvance in writing as regards the User’s claims.
6. Amendment of the Terms and Conditions of the Personal Data Protection Policy
DERMadvance may at any time amend the Terms and Conditions of the Personal Data Protection Policy, and the User has to review any possible amendments, and if she or he continues to use the Website and the Services it is presumed that he accepts the amended Terms and Conditions. Otherwise, she or he has to refrain from any use of the Website and the Services.
7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
7.1 The present Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out or related to them are governed and are interpreted in accordance with the Greek Law. Athens Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction as regards any dispute or claim arising out of the present Terms and Conditions.
8. Contact us
8.1 For further information or inquiries as regards the above Terms and Conditions or for the exercise of any legal right with regard to the personal data processing, the User shall contact DERMadvance by phone at +30 216 900 5000 ή or by e-mail at [email protected]
9. Translation
9.1 The present Terms and Conditions text of the Personal Data Protection Policy is translated into English from the original Greek text. In case of any inconsistency between the two texts, the Greek one shall prevail.